Saturday, April 23, 2011

Birthday Eve

 Here's my Henry.  Happy, loyal and helpful.  Today is Birthday Eve and he spent the day with his dad and brother doing what he loves best - dirt biking.  I just put him to bed and he was very tired.
 Henry is awfully quiet most of the time, but he was the one who LOVED the subway most.  He is not afraid to try new things.  I love Henry because he is my first boy.  He slept through the night early.  He loved to cuddle and he still likes to give me hugs, especially if he thinks I'm not feeling well.  Tomorrow is Easter and also the day that remembers my oldest boy's birth.
He has always been big for his age and sometimes misjudged - people expecting him to do more, to be more - not realizing that he is younger than he looks.  That said, he is super smart and extremely talented and capable.  We know who you are, Henry.  You are a child of God and we are blessed to have you in our home.  Father in Heaven was extremely thoughtful when He gave us you.  Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!  We love you.

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