Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Haul

 We had a great Mother's Day.  It was great for me, because, even though I am becoming an "embarrassment" to my 5th grader, he still presented me with this lovely essay about his mother - ME!
 If you can't see this without your readers, just know that he touched my heart with these words.  I also couldn't help but notice that he called me a "young woman" in the first line.  That boy gets whatever he wants for a week.
 Hayden made me a poem booklet.  This is an example of a concrete poem, where he draws a picture then describes it by writing around it.
 He also presented me with this lovely hat that describes all the "hats" that I wear as a mother.
 My favorite is that I am a magician.  I wish that were true, then maybe I could become invisible once in awhile.  Ha.
He also sang my praises as a sanitation worker, because I am obviously concerned about the cleanliness of his room.  Note the lovely picture of myself screeching, "Clean your room!"
 I cleaned up on treats - I was presented with a half dozen cupcakes from Sprinkles.  They were ingested before I could get a clean shot at them.
 Krispy Kreme donuts and a box of chocolates arrived as well.
They gave me white tulips, plus we added in the Sacrament Meeting red rose.  Lovely.

We had a great dinner that Martin had planed to cook for me, but oddly enough, his nap extended through much of the cooking time.  He did, however, wake up in time to eat it.

Happy Mother's Day, Everyone!  I hope your day was as wonderful as mine.

1 comment:

  1. So nice to be recognized for all the things you do. Also looks like your guys spoiled you!
