Monday, July 15, 2013

One Day At A Time

 It has been crazy busy here.  I'll have to feed you everything a day at a time.  I don't want to over stimulate anyone.  Just sayin'  

Father's Day was on June 30th this year.  I know you were all tricked into having it two weeks earlier, but we got the memo and did it right.  Right after Martin got home from Germany, that is.  When Martin saw the cake, he whispered to me, "You didn't buy the cake two weeks ago, did you?"  Silly Daddy.   Daddy did like the sparkler candles we put on his cake.  It was like mixing Father's Day with Fourth of July.  It was a hit.
 I think Martin's favorite gift was the "D" magazine restaurant issue.
 Hayden picked out the Superman pants for him.  Nice.
 A grilling rack for s'mores.  Doesn't that just scream Father's Day?
The boys found this card for him.  He loved it.

We loved having him home.

Tomorrow:  Beginning of Susan/Sarah week.  It's a doozy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading your posts backwards as I catch up. I say, you are a fun, festive person, you are a great example of love, live and laughter. What a sweet life you live.
