My blog is alive again. Martin spent most of Sunday - before and after church - reconfiguring my photo storage and how to use it. Apparently, it wasn't completely my stupidity that has caused this delay. There really was something wrong with the way my system allowed my photos to be processed.
Blah blah. Whatever, right?
So starting tomorrow I'll be back in the saddle, as they say.
Just to keep it current:
1. Halloween came and went and I was Lame-o and didn't even decorate.
2. October was hunting month and my freezer is full of deer, pheasant, chukar and quail. Yes, chukar is a word (and a bird).
3. Sisters weekend happened. My sisters visited and serious damage was done in the retail therapy way. It truly was a thing of beauty.
Much much more going on. Can you say, "Super Saturday"? Yes, we rocked it.
More soon!
Blah blah. Whatever, right?
So starting tomorrow I'll be back in the saddle, as they say.
Just to keep it current:
1. Halloween came and went and I was Lame-o and didn't even decorate.
2. October was hunting month and my freezer is full of deer, pheasant, chukar and quail. Yes, chukar is a word (and a bird).
3. Sisters weekend happened. My sisters visited and serious damage was done in the retail therapy way. It truly was a thing of beauty.
Much much more going on. Can you say, "Super Saturday"? Yes, we rocked it.
More soon!
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