The birthday banner is up and we've celebrated two birthdays already this month. Yay!
I have a new ride. I no longer am driving the "soccer mom" standard SUV. I own a truck. I'm not sure if my feelings are positive or negative, but I'm finding it hard to find it when I need it. That second set of keys comes in handy when someone wants to borrow without asking.
I fell in love with these stems at Canton. I think I live there now.
I did buy some of these cake embellishments on my recent visit. I don't know why. There are no girly girls in my home requesting girly girl birthday cakes.
This was also a Canton purchase. I'm in love with cut wood for decorating. There is something wrong with me I'm sure.
It seems to be the year for Christmas florals. I've made two different wreaths now and am working on a third.
Here are some of the poinsettias that I bought from the Middle School Band for their fundraiser. I could have put both of my children through college for the price of those flowers.
We've attended several Christmas concerts in the past few weeks. Truly a highlight.
This one makes me smile.
As does this guy. He's new from Target. He'll probably be the last Santa I buy (said no one ever). Our mantle is now maxed out, so it seems we are almost ready for Christmas.
Today I'm finishing baking my neighbor/teacher/Relief Society Board/anyone else who deserves an edible gift from me treats today.
Martin and Hayden are out of town on a coyote hunt while Henry and I hold down the fort.
We saw The Hobbit last night, so I feel a Lord of the Rings Marathon coming on. It will begin on Christmas Eve when the boys return from Colorado.
Until then - more baking!
Everything looks so Christmasy!